Pulse Workspace version 4.0.131


New. Proposed legislation currently before the Australian parliament will require employers to print the expected payment date of compulsory superannuation contributions (SGC) on employee payslips. It is expected that this requirement will come into force from 1st July 2012. Please refer to http://www.treasury.gov.au/contentitem.asp?NavId=&ContentID=2310 for further details.

This update implements the proposed requirement by…

  1. Requesting the operator enter the next expected SGC payment date on the first page of the Produce Pays wizard.
  2. Printing that date on the employee payslip.
  3. Resetting the date to blank on successful completion of the End of Month Reports. This will force the operator to enter a new date during the execution of the next Produce Pays.

This date is used only for this purpose and does not form part of any other system calculation.