Pulse Workspace version 4.2.28

Pulse Workspace

  1. An issue with our Document Designer module introduced in version 4.2.24 resulted in some documents being incorrectly printed. This problem had the potential to cause printing issues in our membership, golf and function management applications. It is now corrected.

Pulse Workspace version 4.2.27

Club Membership

  1. The test for applicants 18 years and under in New Member Wizard has been improved. It is now accurate to the day.

Golf Competitions

  1. Important. Score upload revisions without a Status Code of OK (eg. GEN_FAILURE) are now reported as an issue on the End of Day log and not updated to your database. Issues of this nature should be reported to GOLFLink. This issue will be the subject of an email to all golf club clients to be sent 26th May 2014.
  2. An issue with copying null values in old competitions to new that in turn caused the competition enquiry to fail has been corrected.

Pulse Workspace version 4.2.24

Pulse Workspace

The following changes have been made to our document designer used in Club Membership, Golf Competitions and Function Management software …

  1. The Design window has a revised layout using docking rather than fixed panels.
  2. The current selected control now has a magenta border for easy identification.
  3. Controls can be moved on the Drawing Surface by pressing the CTRL-Arrow key combination.
  4. Controls can be resized using the ALT-Arrow key combination.
  5. Right-clicking on a control will provide two options…
    1. Copy Object. This provides the ability to copy the control and it’s properties multiple times.
    2. Delete. This will delete the currently selected control.
  6. You may now specify a Picture control’s visibility as either True or False. Setting visibility allows you to design over an image of a pre-printed form without that image being used in the final document print.
  7. A Picture control can now have a negative origin. This allows more precise positioning when dealing with varying hard margin sizes on different printers.
  8. An issue that caused custom page sizes to be incorrect has been corrected.

The above changes were made to provide precise positioning of data over pre-printed forms. The following workflow is suggested for these type of forms…

  1. Obtain an image of the per-printed form. This should have a resolution of at least 300 DPI. Make sure you know it’s physical size.
  2. Create your document in Document Designer. Use the Picture control to import your image. Size the Picture control to be exactly the same dimensions as the imported image.
  3. Set the SizeMode of the Picture control to be StretchImage. You should now have an image in the designer identical to the printed form.
  4. Move the location of the image so that when printed it overlays the printed form exactly. Every printer has different hard margins so this may take a little trial and error.
  5. Set the Picture control’s visible property to False.
  6. Overlay your data controls on the Picture control.


Pulse Workspace version 4.2.23


  1. Pulse Remote Support no longer fails when Internet Explorer is prevented from downloading files by security configuration. The executable is now included with the installation rather than downloaded from the Internet and therefore does not require IE to download it. Clients are reminded to be patient when using this service – the connection can take more than one minute even on fast PC’s.

Golf Competitions

  1. All logic for team events with a competition type of “Other” has been reviewed. In particular …
    1. An issue that caused results for these events not to be saved has been corrected.
    2. References to player / team handicaps on the Leaderboard and competition reports have been removed. Please remember the software makes no assumptions as to how a score for “Other” competition types is calculated. It simply takes the score entered and ranks it according to the competition’s Score Type (Stroke, Stableford or Par).
  2. An issue with the calculation of Stroke countback values has been corrected. These values are now displayed to four decimal places.
  3. The calculation of Championship score, net and rank has been corrected for Stroke rounds.
  4. The horizontal scroll of text on the Leaderboard and Kiosk displays has been made much smoother. To enable this we no longer use the scroll speed value in system options as the speed is determined by the limit of the internal system timer.