Pulse workspace version 4.4.12-14

Pulse Workspace

Our user interface (UI) editors and components have been upgraded from DevExpress version 11.1 to version 12.1. We are using the new version to revise our UI over time – see notes for Club membership and Golf Competitions below.

Pulse Financials

  1. The Customer Aged analysis and Customer Aged Summary reports now have a new option: Include Current Deposits? When checked, unapplied customer deposits will be included on the report and omitted if unchecked.
  2. Issues that caused an existing financial report definition to be deleted when a new definition was created and then cancelled have been corrected.
  3. Issues that caused a new financial report definition row to fail to display to the grid correctly have been corrected.
  4. We now check Supplier and Customer numbers and warn if duplicates exist.

Club Membership

  1. Most club membership data entry modules have received an overhaul to give them a fresh, more modern and consistent user interface. The new layout is also more tolerant of changes to the operating system’s monitor resolution and DPI display settings. This is currently a work in progress and your feedback is appreciated.
  2. An issue that prevented our System 7000 interface from correctly reporting Oracle database errors has been corrected.

Golf Competitions

  1. The Player Registration dialog has been revised with a new user interface.
  2. Various issues with Leader Board display issues have been addressed.


  1. The software now correctly checks and reports an error if the employee rate of pay is not contained within the selected agreement when an Employee Status record is created or changed.
  2. The listing within Maintain Employee Unavailability now correctly reports unavailability for a given date range.

Pulse workspace version 4.4.11

Payroll & Rostering

  1. Recent audits performed by Fair Work Australia have highlighted an issue with the calculation of Late & Early Shift penalties within the Registered Club 2010 award. Previously, these penalties have been paid to the minute whereas the award requires that they be paid to the hour. For example, if an employee works from 8:00PM to 10:30PM, 3 hours late penalty is due, not 2.5. The change is implemented in this version.
  2. An issue that caused a mismatch between agreement and pay rate when a status change occurred in Maintain Employees has been corrected.