Pulse workspace version 4.5.46

Payroll & Rostering

  1. Implemented an ATO request to append standardised text to the STP Message UUID.

Pulse Financials

  1. In Customer Sales Invoicing
    1. An issue that caused GST Free tax codes to be displayed as Not Applicable has been corrected.
    2. An issues that failed to set GST equal to zero when changing GST coding to GST-free has been corrected.
    3. Removed the possibility of duplicate invoice numbers when two or more operators are creating customer invoices.

Pulse workspace version 4.5.41/45

Note: versions 4.5.42 thru 44 were internal versions required for testing.

Pulse Workspace

  1. Important. An issue that caused database connection details to be corrupted in-memory has been corrected. Note that this issue was introduced in version 4.5.39 and only affected customers with multiple application databases (for example, a management payroll database and a staff payroll database).

Pulse Payroll & Rostering

  1. Small internal changes as a result of Single Touch Payroll product verification testing.

Pulse Financials

  1. An issue that caused Cancelled Payments to display an incorrect date after the accounting period was changed has been corrected.

Pulse workspace version 4.5.39/40

Pulse Workspace

  1. Emergency Fix. An issue with Windows Update that caused connection to the database to fail during Pulse Workspace login has been corrected. Note that this only affects workstations with automatic updates enabled and Microsoft .NET 4.7.2 installed. To our knowledge these are Windows 10 PC’s recently updated to Version 10.0.17134.48.
  2. Our utility programs no longer require Microsoft .NET version 3.5 to be installed. They will now execute correctly on any version of .NET from version 2 through to 4.7. These include our installation downloader, Pulse.Download.exe, our database maintenance utility, Pulse.DatabaseMaint.exe and our database backup utilities (SQLBackup.exe, SQLbackup2008.exe and SQLBackup2012.exe). Importantly, this ensures the compatibility of these utilities with all versionsĀ of Microsoft Server from version 2003 thought 2017 without the installation of additional software.

Pulse Financials

  1. The Enquiry menu has two new reports, Expense Distribution and Revenue Distribution. These reports display the expense / revenue distributions from the original supplier and customer invoices and credit notes.

Payroll & Rostering

  1. Employee and other master table records are now cached in-memory on each workstation saving multiple round trips to the database server when accessing these details.