Pulse Workspace version 4.6.19

Pulse Workspace

  1. We continue to modernise the look of our workspace menu system. This week the Home tab HTML page has been replaced with a cleaner page that responds to changes in theme, font and DPI settings.

Golf Competitions

  1. An issue that caused the display of Golf Union in Member Maintenance has been corrected.

Pulse Financials

  1. An issue that prevented the change of supplier in Supplier Invoice and Cash Payment entry has been corrected.
  2. When the supplier is changed in Reassign Posted Supplier Invoices, the EFT payment details are also updated. Previously this had to be done manually.

Member Loyalty

  1. An issue that caused the dollar value to be reset to zero in Add / Redeem Loyalty Points has been corrected.

Pulse workspace version 4.6.17

Pulse Workspace

After feedback from customers, we have reviewed the behaviour of the new navigation pane in Pulse Workspace. The aim is to mimic more closely the behaviour in our previous menu system…

  1. When you click an application menu item, that application will
    1. expand to display it’s menu groups (Procedures, Reports, Enquiry etc.)
    2. Move to the top of the menu pane.
    3. collapse all other application menu items.
  2. When a menu group is clicked, all menu items underneath that group will be expanded including any sub-groups.

Pulse Financials

Release Status

We have introduced the concept of a Release Status within Supplier Invoices. This concept replaces the In Dispute? field that was available in the previous Accounts Payable system. Release Status is simply a list of status descriptions one of which can be assigned to a supplier invoice at any one time. it allows for a simple workflow to be applied to the payment approval process.

As a result of this introduction, the following changes have been made…

  1. Address Book -> Supplier Tab. This is were you can define your status descriptions. By default, the following descriptions are provided…
    1. Released. The default status meaning the invoice is available for payment.
    2. Awaiting Approval
    3. Incomplete
    4. In Dispute
  2. Address Book -> Supplier Dialog. A supplier record may have a default status assigned to it. Once again, the system default is Released.
  3. Transaction Entry -> Supplier Invoice. You can assign a status to an individual invoice or it will inherit that which is assigned to the supplier record.
  4. Reassign Posted Supplier Invoices. You can change the release status of posted invoices here.
  5. Select Invoices for Payment. By default, all invoices with a release status of Released will be available for payment. You can override this behaviour using the provided check boxes to filter the status descriptions.
  6. In addition to the above, supplier reports and enquiry procedures have been changed to include the release status description.

Other Changes

  1. Performance issues on activating the Supplier Enquiry have been corrected.

Golf Competitions

  1. An issue in Start of Day that had the potential to corrupt the Golf Unions table has been corrected.



Pulse workspace version 4.6.15

Pulse Workspace

Crystal Reports

To maintain our compatibility with the Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 development environment, we are required to upgrade the SAP Crystal Reports reporting software used by our software to version 13.0.23. This will require upgrade to all workstations executing Pulse Workspace.

The software will check that the correct version of crystal reports is installed when Pulse Workspace version 4.6.15 is executed on a workstation.. If not, the reporting software will be downloaded from the internet and a setup program executed to perform the install. While this is mostly automatic, you should be aware of the following…

  1. You will need the installation security permission to install the new software. If you are unsure please contact your hardware technician.
  2. If you are not on the NBN, the download may take some time.
  3. The installation itself may take some time depending on the speed of your computer.

A New Navigation Pane with Windows 10 Acrylic Effect

We have replaced the navigation bar on the left hand side of Pulse Workspace with a new navigation pane the same as those found on Windows 10 modern applications. This pane enables the Microsoft Acrylic Material (a semi-transparent texture) and Reveal Highlight (a soft focus around the cursor) effects.

The effects are only to be seen on Windows 10 Version 1803 (OS build 17134) or newer which was released in April 2018. If you are using any other version of Windows the background will be a solid colour. Our ribbon menu also includes a new option, Windows 10 Opacity to control the level of transparency.

All menu options are to be found on the new navigation pane. The pop-out tree list of executable menu items no longer exists. The navigation pane includes a filter editor that will filter all menu items based on text entered. For example, if you wanted to view all options in our Club Membership application, simply type Club Membership into the filter.

Finally, the new navigation pane can be minimised if not required.

Improved Vector Graphic theme support

The software now provides two vector graphic appearance themes, The Bezier and Office 2019. These are the top two themes listed in the appearance themes drop-down list on the ribbon menu. Vector graphics provide better performance, more accurate screen-rendering and non-blurry images. You are encouraged to favour them over the traditional bitmap themes.

Vector themes come with colour swatch selections rather than the clunky colour mixer. Our favourite are the Office 2019 selections but that is personal taste.

Pulse Financials

  1. An error in the full detail Trial Balance in which the Net total for a CBD was incorrectly calculated has been corrected.
  2. We have addressed an issue when creating multiple customer credit notes where the amount being applied to invoices include credit amounts previously created. To address this problem we now allow only one credit per invoice per customer in the current unposted batch.

Club Membership

  1. An issue saving a new member record previously created in Fast Member Entry has been corrected.

Pulse workspace version 4.6.13

Pulse Workspace

  1. We have revised most dialog forms so that their size and location is persisted when closed. This means that the software “remembers” the form’s last size and location and will return to that when re-opened. This change was implemented to improve the display of forms when large font size or high DPI values are used. Typically when this occurs, the Windows operating system will increase the form size disproportionately to the change in text size resulting in overly large windows.

Club Membership

  1. We have revised our member selection form used in Maintain Members, Process Renewals and in our golf software as follows…
    1. You can now lookup via mobile number as well as member number, surname or surname and first name.
    2. Press Esc type cycle between each of the search options described above.
    3. Surname / First Name entry is now performed via one editor. To do this, enter part or all of the Surname, then press Space and finally enter part or all of the First Name. For example, the entry of smi ja will display all surnames starting with smi (Smith, Smiggons etc) with First names starting with Ja (Jane, Jack, Jenny etc).
    4. Pressing Enter when a grid record is selected will now activate the member edit dialog for the member. You can also still do this by double-clicking the grid record.
    5. Discontinued member records are now displayed in red.
  2. We have completely replaced the New Member Wizard with our new, New Member dialog. The new form consists only of two tabs replacing the twelve pages in the old wizard with most fields available on the first tab. In addition, the form includes a Search button where you can lookup discontinued members, search for unused member numbers and, if a golf club lookup Golfink details for players wishing to transfer to your club.

Indeed the only way to enter a current Golflink Number into the New Member form is to validate it on the Golflink system first, thus eliminating incorrect Golflink numbers.

There is also no need to enter a golf union as the software now correctly infers this from the new member’s gender.

Finally, for our golf club clients the new member dialog will not allow the entry of Golflink details for new members with a social classification.

Pulse Golf

  1. Changed Behaviour. The Playing Member field on a member’s record will always be set equal to False if the member’s classification does not allow golf (ie. Social Members). If a social member has a valid Golf Link number that member will now be registered as a visitor in competitions. Social members are no longer displayed on member summary reports irrespective of whether or not they have a Golf Link number.

Pulse Financials

  1. If multiple bank reconciliations are posted for the same date and bank account, the system will append a version to the end of the file name to identify each. Previously the pervious reconciliation was being overwritten by the new reconciliation.
  2. The Fixed Assets module no longer complains that there are multiple assets with the same number when one or more of those records are discontinued.