Pulse workspace version 4.7.9

Golf Competitions

Social Golf Score Cards

The software no longer fails when a scorecard with length, par and index variables is used. For example, an OMR-style score card.

Internet Tee Time Bookings

Two new rules have been implemented to prevent the same member booking multiple tee time for their mates…

  1. A member may now only create one tee booking per golf competition. The member can continue to include up to 3 additional partners for that tee time.
  2. The booking member must be included in the tee time that is being booked.

COVID 19 Tee Time Bookings Restrictions

The NSW Health rules and advice by Golf NSW have now been implemented in our golf bookings modules. Full details on implementation can be found at …


Pulse workspace version 4.7.8

Pulse Workspace

  1. An issue that caused the Quick Access Menu to corrupt when a new item was added to the main menu has been corrected.
  2. Various issues pinning and removing pinned items from the Quick Access Menu have been corrected.

To ensure the future reliability of the Quick Access Menu, the current data structures for the menu have been reset and the menu itself cleared.

Club Membership

COVID-19 Status

This is the first in a series of updates designed to implement the 4 player / 2 player tee-off rule in our Golf Competitions tee bookings software as required in NSW.

In this update we provide the ability to record a member’s COVID-19 vaccination status in the membership system. It allows you to begin the process of verifying member’s vaccination status which will be required for future internet-based tee bookings.

Vaccination status can be updated in New Member entry or Member Maintenance. The status by default is set to Not Verified which can be changed to Single or Double.

We have deliberately not included the vaccination status on any reports as this information is sensitive and must be kept confidential. Also, for this reason the vaccination status should only be recorded in your membership software if your business processes require it.

We do however provide analysis of the total numbers vaccinated via the Member Analysis / Charts application.

COVID-19 Status – Maintain Members
COVID-19 Status – New Member dialog
COVID-19 Status – Member Analysis / Charts

Pulse workspace version 4.7.6

Pulse Financials

Chart of Accounts

The Chart of Accounts display grid now contains a Selection column. Selecting multiple accounts and then double-clicking a row will invoke the new multi-account field editor allowing you to make bulk changes to common fields simultaneously.

Statement of Cash Flows

A new report, Statement of Cash Flows can be found on the Financial Analysis sub-menu. The report will print cash flows for the selected accounting period and its previous year comparative, either in account detail or summary form. The report uses the direct method for computing cash flows.

By default, the report will group cash flows using account Statement Codes as follows…

Classification Cash Flow Group Cash Flow Sub-Group
Revenue & Trade Debtors Operating Activities Receipts from Customers
COGS, Expenses & Trade Creditors Operating Activities Payments to Suppliers & Employees
Current Assets and Liabilities Operating Activities Other Operating Activities
Non-Current Assets Investing Activities Other Investing Activities
Non-Current Liabilities & Equity Financing Activities Other Financing Activities

Further classification may be achieved by defining cash flow Account Groups and assigning them to their associated accounts in Chart of Accounts.

Pulse workspace version 4.7.5

Payroll & Rostering

Employee Payroll Register

An issue that caused the report to be printed with excessive detail has been corrected.

Pulse Financials

Bank Reconciliation

An issue that caused Bank Transfer transactions to be lost on leaving a reconciliation in an incomplete state has been corrected. Please note that previously lost transactions may reappear on your reconciliation. If this occurs and they are unwanted, simply delete them.

Transaction Entry

Bank account columns on the transaction summary grid are now displayed correctly. Only those bank accounts with transaction activity will be displayed.